1.Ruby Rock-It www.rubyrock-it.com
2.Graphic 45 www.g45papers.com
3.Hemptique www.hemptique.net
4.Vintaj www.vintaj.com
5.Beacon Adhesives www.beaconadhesives.com
6.Scrap Perfect www.scraperfect.com
7.Plaid www.plaidonline.com
8.Ranger www.rangerink.com
9.Ellison/Sizzix www.ellison.com
10.Colorbox/Clearsnap/Donna Salazar www.clearsnapinc.com
11.Basic Grey www.basicgrey.com
12.Kaiser Craft www.kaisercraft.net
13.EK Success:Martha Stewart and French General www.eksuccessbrands.com
14.Glitter Dust www.thermoweb.com
15.October Afternoon www.octoberafternoon.com
16.Offray Ribbon-Sports Line
17.Best Creations www.bestcreation.us
18.Zutter www.zutterproducts.com
19.Walter Kunze Dresden's www.walterkunze.com
20.Globe Craft Memories www.globecraftmemories.com
Today I am showcasing No.2: Graphic 45, I have been a fan of Graphic 45 papers for awhile, every year I wait to see what they come up with next, and I am never disappointed, they always produce a creative line. At CHA, if you are trying to locate them, just look for their famous clock tower that sits at the top of their edgy, fun booth, always lined w/pottery barn vintage style black shelving which are brimming with the latest projects and decor using their beautiful papers.
This year was no exception with another series of fabulous papers which have eye candy written all over it. Take a look at inside their booth and their new series of papers:
Magic and Joy,
love the flying pigs! what is the title of the line?
great looking booth
Hey Tristan:
Here is a link to it:
It's under the: Old Curiosity Shoppe
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