My Mom Joan has always enjoyed designing jewelry. About 3 years ago after a girls day out at my friend Terri's house, a group of us were hosted to a day of jewelry making and fun, with renewed interest, my Mother started re-creating her jewelry again in what I call hyper speed, prior to, she'd create a piece every so often, now its 3 to 5 times a day.
Her collection has grown to over 1,000 pieces, many she has sold at Art Events/Shows, Trunk Shows, Private Sales, at Piddlestixs and online. Our store: Piddlestixs located in Historic Lafayette, NJ has proven to be her star base, over the past 6 months, we have seen a variety of industry professionals walk through our doors from the city (NYC) and have purchased her wares. She has been published and has taught workshops over the past year, which has lead her on a new theme, Steampunk which she mixes with Victorian and Gothic tones.
Since last January, my Mother has been building her Steampunk line of wares from necklaces o earrings, bracelets and now rings, cuffs and hair bands. The obsession with keys, time pieces and vintage apothecary has fueled her passion. Each steampunk piece can sometime take days to complete due to the complexity or design, the parts and the fusing of the metals.
Currently she is working on incorporating some more bling, mythology and folklore themes into her new pieces. All the components which make up her jewelry are a mix of antique, vintage, modern or handmade.
Here is a sampling of my Mother's Steampunk Line. You can find her under: Auroratique on Etsy and throughout the web. If you are in town come visit her and her works at Piddlestixs!
Click here to view more of her works
I hope you have enjoyed a preview of her works, as much as I enjoy seeing them when she finishes, even getting some special ones of my own from her!
Magic and Joy,
OMG can you say freakin FANTASTIC!!!!! your moms amazing! that's where you get it from!!!
Does she want to adopt another daughter??????
Thanks soooo much everyone, I am honored to call her my mom, she is truly amazing inside and out, her works come from her passion for love and living an artful life!
Magic and Joy to you all!
Her work is gorgeous Lisa ! I love it.
Hi Lisa -
Now I know where you get your talent from - LOL! Your mom's work is breathtaking! I love her style. You can tell she puts lots of love and herself into those gorgeous designs. BEAUTIFUL! I bet half the fun for her (I know it is for me) is hunting down the various elements to make the perfect piece?
Her work is gorgeous. I love how she has added a gentleness to the steampunk designs. I have always loved how the two of you enjoy art together. Such a special relationship, you are so blessed.
These pieces are wonderful! I love all the neat little touches.
Thanks so much, I absolutely adore her works, call me a fan, lol, my mother truly is amazing inside and out!
Sending magic and joy your way!
Hi Lisa,
I was just wondering where to send the Valentine postcards for your swap. (Sorry, I sometimes have trouble loading your site, so I am getting back to you late...)If you can email me the info, that would be great, And I noticed there weren't as many people interested in the postcard swap as your other swaps, so that is fine also, just let me know either way! Have a great day,
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