Antoinette was made using the newest doll parts in my embellishments line: Storybook Chick which can be found in my etsy store and at Piddlestixs in Lafayette, NJ!
She was also made with vintage lace, trims, pearls, honeycomb, millinery, chenille, rhinestones and more.
Antoinette measures about 8 1/2 to 9 inches in height! This doll and several others will be available on Etsy and at Piddlestixs.
Come join Antoinette Le Peep as she attends the Carousel Soiree and dances til midnight. Alongside some of her friends: Frieda, Sophie, Elle, Minka and Claudette who are all getting ready for the soiree.
Sophie is Antoinette's first cousin and princess in waiting, Frieda and Elle are twins whose parents own Stwiggly Farms, Claudette is heir to the Pemberlisse Candy Fortune and Minka is her best friend and daughter of Babe Worthwood, designer of the storybook houses on Willow Row, just outside of Rosette Jardins.
The Carousel Soiree is held at Blanca Primspeep's mansion in Le Meringue, north of Rosette Jardins. Every year a carousel queen is chosen, I wonder who will be crowned this year?
why, she is just gorgeous!!love her earrings.
Thanks so much, I'll be showing the other 3 this week, these are so much fun to make and create!
Magic and Joy to you,
Cute and Clever!!
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