"Polly's Starring in the Moonlight Ballet and her date: Cupie of Love!"

As many of you know I am a lover of dolls and all things fantasy, that also includes vintage carnival dolls and cupies/kewpies! For years I have been creating around these themes through my stories, illustrations, collage art and dolls.

My passion for creating dolls has lead me on a journey into the world of papier mache. I have experimented w/papier mache, striving to find that perfect blend which could resemble the look of chalkware. On a trip to the San Francisco Area last year I bought a vintage chalkware bunny, when I came home I placed my bunny onto a cute cake stand in my studio, this bunny has inspired me ever since.

As I made my charlotte dolls and doll parts I would experiment with different clay mixtures, some are perfect for one thing and not the other. I've developed a clay paint mixture perfect for 3Dimentional details and texture (This article can be found in the November/December Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine). As I played with papier mache I found myself un-satisfied, I wasn't comfortable with the mixes I was making until a few weeks ago, by accident aka the serendipity method, I stumbled upon the perfect clay. This clay is a combo of papier mache and a chalkware feel when dried, hence my new feel good discovery within my art.

From this I have re-molded some pieces and bought vintage tin molds, trying to re-capure that storybook vintage look, these following dolls are the result of that.
Each doll has a 4 day and multi step process:
1.The clay is made for each batch, cured/dried on each side.
2.Next they are baked for several hours, cooled, and sanded.
3.Now they get coated, painted and aged
4.Finally they are embellished with vintage millinery, handmade hats/clothes, crushed sugar glitter and more.
All my dolls come signed by me, and will be numbered in a collection, until I retire their style.

Polly's Moonlight Ballet is the story about a cupie girl named Polly is has been chosen to be a Moonfairy in the Moonlight Ballet which will be held at the Starlight Garden Theater located at Petalwood Square. Polly will dance, sing and fly to a symphony of enchanted melodies, half way through the performance Polly is startled by a glittering sugar arrow which was sprung from the arrow of Poe, The Cupie of Love. By the end Polly and Poe fall in love, but I recommend the ballet to all....

To purchase these dolls visit my Etsy Store, to order custom dolls contact me!
Hope you have enjoyed the magic,