Rosalina and Poe

Every time I look through Lisa Kettell's book
Altered Art Circus, I'm so inspired!
my latest design team project I decided on making my own version of
"Miabelle and Gertie", one of the creations from this incredible book.
small crown
pink wool roving
small Styrofoam bird
small wooden disk about 2 inches in diameter
model magic in white
acrylic paint in peach, pink, dark pink, rust, dark brown, black
black spray paint
pink tulle
scrapbook paper
paper flowers
assorted charms
assorted ribbon
pipe cleaner
doll hands
black glitter
hot glue
DirectionsSpray paint birdcage, set aside to dry.
form doll head and torso out of model magic, poke pipe cleaner through to form arms, let dry overnight.
dry, paint peach and add features using acrylic paint.wrap ribbon
around torso to make bodice of dress.wrap more ribbon around pipe
cleaners for sleeves.attach doll hands with hot glue.
hot glue wool to head and carefully mold into desired shape.
add rhinestones and crown.
glue bird to disc, paint black, cover with glitter, let dry.attach
small birdcage charm to head of bird then glue bird to inside of cage.
attach assorted charms to cage.
glue doll to top of cage.
add paper flowers to doll and strips of accordioned scrapbook paper on sides of cage.
secure ribbon to base of cage.
tie pieces of tulle to back of cage.
make a bow with ribbon glue onto waist of doll.
Tips:doll parts can be found in the baking section of craft stores
you can add butterfly wings to back of doll.
children's jewelry can be used in place of crown
Buy Lisa's book 'Altered Art Circus' in her art fire