A Parcel Workshop and Adventure!

When I came back from Silver Bella I treated myself to another bday gift, this time with my mom at Parcel, in Montclair, this shoppe is beyond words fabulous, just ask anyone who has been there.

You'll be there for hours looking inside all the wall vignettes and nooks and crannies. I especially love the vintage circus section, too cute and magical.

Mom and I headed to the Office for dinner and walked on over to Parcel and was greeted by the wonderful Nancy, Vanessa and Kristin who was teaching the class: A Marie Paper Doll, made from gorgeous crepe paper, images, trimmings and millinery.

I spent about 15 minutes taking pictures of all my favorite spots in the store, deciding what would be great Christmas gifts for myself, lol and friends. After looking at some of these images from Parcel, you will agree with me its an artful storybook filled with surprises. I really love the magical Fairy Dust, don't you want to buy every color?

The next big surprise was when My pal: Marlene aka Queen Bee walked into the store to take the workshop too, I love Marlene, we were both at Silver Bella together, and this was another treat for us...

We were given pre-made forms and assembled others, I choose Peach, I normally don't work w/peach, but I wanted to work with a color to challenge myself, and I loved it, Peach is my new fave color. Challenging ourselves helps us to grow as people and for me as an artists. I'm always learning every second, every minute of the day, that's the most exciting part.

I haven't finished mine yet, but hope to have the final details on it finished by Christmas, Its going to be one of the toppers for my many holiday trees at home. All she needs is some extra millinery and glitz.

Kristin-InstructorWhile working on our dolls, we muched on yummy rose flavored cookies, mini pastries, sparkling waters and wine, these all make the night or any night that much more, lol, I love pastries.

Plus I was able to connect w/friends and meet new ones, we all worked together well. Our dolls each resembled our own styles and artistic magic.

Me and Nancy

Marlene, Mom and Nancy It was a magical time had by all and I hope you enjoyed reading my Parcel adventure!
Magic, Hugs and Joy!
For the complete set visit my facebook or for highlights visit my flickr photo album at:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/moonfaires16/sets/72157622907602758/Visit Parcel at: