A Birthday Weekend in Lambertville!What does a girl really want to do on her birthday? Give up?....Well this Birthday girl wants to spend the day with her friends, eating, and shopping, exploring the hidden treasures of Lambertville, NJ, right across the river from New Hope, PA!
Since Glenny and I are born a day apart, the same year, we usually celebrate all week, with family and friends, sometimes its so hard to get everyone together on the same day, so we split it up. The weekend of my birthday I was in Omaha, Nebraska at Silver Bella, a gift to myself from Glenny and well me and with a busy schedule this past week, I was happy to spend the day with some great friends: Suze, Bonnie, Michelle, Linda, Blinging Jackie, Patti, Teresa, Debbie and Joan (aka my mom), our first stop The Lambertville Station
http://www.lambertvillestation.com/ located at 11 Bridge Street in Lambertville.

When I arrived all the girls were at the table, waiting for, you guessed it me! I sat right next to Teresa, and across from Mom.
I was greeted with the most beautiful tiara ever, placed on my head by Suze
which was filled with dozens of rhinestones and sweet pearls, I wore it the rest of the day and night, and bestowed with the honor of QUEEN!

But the regal presents didn't stop there, I was showered with treasures from all the girls, from art supplies to handmade polymer clay trinkets, beads, cards, jewelry, amazing cards like this one that Suze did for me, LOL, I love it and a BLYTHE doll, yep, I said it A Blythe Doll, I almost fainted when I opened Michelle's Gift, Smelling salt could have come in handy. I was almost in a zombie state from all the goodies from: Linda, Bonnie, Debbie, Jackie, Teresa, Bonnie,Patti, Suze and Michelle, each of them went above and way beyond to make my day shine, I started to cry with joyful tears, because it was all so beautiful, I really felt so loved.

After present opening and eating fabulous food, we headed outside for a group photo shoot, our waitress is also a photographer so we had some great photos, we blew the bubbles Suze and the girls brought, outside, I added some extra bubby effects in this photo! But first I captured some Bling Bling Bubbles that came from Jackie's Bubbles! LOL!

Now we were off to do some shopping damage, the first spot was Sojourner, located across the street from the Lambertville Station, we were all in there for over an hour looking at beads and sparkling goodies. Before we crossed the street, Patti, Jackie, My Mom and I stoped to admire the gorgeous rugs, oh do I wish I could have been Jasmine in Aladdin, and made these beauties fly into the air, LOL!

http://www.sojourner.biz/Here is a picture of Suze, deep in bead thought, I love how it came out! Don't you!

After finding us some Vintage German Rhinestones on top of our treasures, we headed across the street for some refreshing water, when we came upon, yet another gorgeous store, this one was more of a boutique filled with loads of enchantment, here we did even more damage, I bought several sweet beaded and fabric garlands, in creamy yellow tones and a sweet sugar plum purple color. My mom bought a set and some pretty sparkling items.

After this spot we chatted outside and took more pictures, we are truly the papparazzi, LOL!

Next we were off to look for some antiques, I bought an old children's book from the late 1800's, when we left there, we walked to our final destination just down the street, where we walked through exploring the three floors of treasures, in the basement there are fabulous vintage gowns and trinkets, here is one I fell in love with, along with this gorgeous hat, both were out of my price range, but I had to capture them on film, aren't the details beautiful!

Now we were exhausted and ready to all go home and rest from a fantastic day of celebrating. Suze's came up with a fabulous idea, and we all added to it, this is going to be our tradition for each of our birthday's, picking a new spot or thing to do and explore, some rules: its fun, artsy, and we each get a tiara, call it the traveling tiara, for each of our birthday's. Jackie came up with a great name:
The Tiara Chronicleswhich is going to be what we call our celebration days, just a group of woman, from different areas, backgrounds and ages, but who have similar likes and desires, all coming together to create a journey, exploring the day of celebration, while wearing something symbolic, A TIARA, treating the Queen of the day, just as the name states: QUEEN!
Visit the rest of the girls at:
Suze Weinberg: http://suzeweinberg.typepad.com/suzeblogz/Bonnie Egenton: http://bonnieegenton.blogspot.com/Michelle Bernard: http://michellereneebernard.blogspot.com/Patti Behan: http://www.pattibehan.blogspot.com/Debbie Tlach: http://artistgirlsmuse.blogspot.com/Teresa Natividad, Jackie McLaughlin:http://www.rangerink.com/Linda Hahola