A Midsummer Night's Paper Dream!
Its been quite a busy summer, I have been working non-stop on new works, commissions, submissions, deadlines, workshops and my business orders. A few weeks ago I saw something out of the ordinary, something magical and well odd. I was gazing upon an unusual sized ladybug type insect, walking happily along my garden room wall. I blinked my eyes a few times, and it was still there, red in color with tiny polka dots, this beautiful insect looked like a Lady bug Queen, straight out of one of my imaginative stories.
I turned my head for one second, and when I returned, this fascinating creature was gone, no where to be found in the room, needless to say, I knew it was late and crawled upstairs to bed. Now to some this encounter would be merely dull, but to me, it was a moment of enchantment on a warm summer night in August. The next morning I woke up feeling happy, energetic, inspired and LUCKY. In some folk legends, Lady bugs are a sign of good luck/good fortune, some happiness and in others love, but like many icons in folklore, each one has its own meaning, but I'll stick w/the luck interpretation.

This was a morning that escalated into a wonderous one, an inspired day, works completed, contacts made, I was very productive. The past 2 weeks would bring me new art, and business relationships.
During this time I came into contact w/Tiny Prints, a truly exquisite company, which possess such inspiration and exceptional products that it takes you a whole day to get through all the illustorous eye candy on their site.

However Tiny Prints isn't just a card site, but your ONE STOP SHOP to a Paper and Card Wonderland, they have everything you need for that special event, beautiful invitations, card wares, and stationary, favors, accessories, photo books and more. Whether you are searching for that special baby announcement or party invitation, a moving card or wedding program, TINY PRINTS is wonderful, one look at their site and I became instantly hooked.
A few weeks ago my dear friend Lara asked me; "Do you want to do our Halloween Party this year?" Then Lara and I finally agreed to host it, but where and when? was the next question we asked each other. After much careful planning we have decided for a few weeks prior to Halloween as to keep our party isolated from the other Halloween parties which will be popping up, now comes the fun part:
"INVITATIONS" I'd like to have a simple invitation, great background and graphics, unique, yet in-expensive, that's alot to ask for in an invite, but a question that crosses many party host minds when investing in an invite, after all, to me an invitation can really set the mood of the event you are hosting.
When choosing one, sit back a minute and ask yourself some of the following:1. What is the theme of your event/party
2. What mood are you trying to set
3. Is this event more geared for children, teens, college, adults or seniors.
4. Time of year
5. Your color scheme (keep it simple, stay within 3 to 4 colors)
example: A Cupcake Bday Party:cream, white, pink and red (or eliminate one color and add a fun pattern)
example: Halloween Party: black, orange, yellow, cream or brown, pink, red and orange (think out of the normal color box)
6. Budget, how many invitations are you going to need?
These important questions can help you design your party and the accessories needed to go with it. The following are some of the invites that are catching my eye for the party:

Pumpkin Heads by Tiny Prints

Classic Candies by Tiny Prints

Fer-ocious Feline by Tiny Prints
To view all their Halloween Invitations and cards click on this link below:
http://www.tinyprints.com/shop/halloween-party-cards-invitations.htmFrom Tiny Prints:"You don’t have to succumb to the temptations of trick-or-treating this Halloween—instead, host an eerily cool party with our Halloween party invitations! Lure your guests into your lair with enchanting Halloween cards or put your guests in a festive mood with ghoulishly gorgeous Halloween party invitations. These Halloween party invitations are the perfect way to celebrate without having to deal with empty calories or a cheesy cat costume!" Afterwards I'll be making a personal photo book for myself of all the images from the party, like a digital scrapbook, and we all know how I love photos and books!
As soon as you see a site you love or products that you believe in, doesn't your heart rate pump faster, mine does, so when I see a wonderful site, product or location, I can't wait to share with everyone I know. The best part with Tiny Prints is their whole company is a pleasure to deal with, so not only do you get a great product, but great service. Please visit their site at:
http://www.tinyprints.com/ and see all the producst they have to offer. Look for more posts and info from me regarding my adventures to Tiny Prints.
Oh and stay tuned for a project on how to recycle those invitations, cards, programs and menu's you receive or have left overs of. I turned a bridal shower menu into a tiara, my 30th birthday invite into a mask and my Christmas cards into a holiday banner.
Step by step projects on these soon!
Magic and Joy!