Monday, March 09, 2009

A Spring Tea Party in NJ
Serendipity is an accidental chance, occurance, for me that happens alot lately, being at the right place at the right time, all by chance, that's how I meet all the wonderful people I know, ever here of the Kevin Bacon theory, well it makes perfect sense when you live in NJ, or come from NJ, LOL!

This is how I will start off my latest post, Serendipity. I went to Tinsel Trading end of February 2008 to drop of class samples and met Charlotte Lyons and Meleen Dupree that day, both told me of a wonderful event called Silver Bella which would be held in November. Well I pondered the idea, and went for it, and I'm glad I did, I met my artful idol again that weekend: Mary Engelbreit, Many fab blogger, flickr and Faerie Zine friends and new ones. In my last class of the event, I sat at the best art table ever, here I met a fellow NJ-ite: Geralyn Grey, boom a friendship was born, I mean we were both in Omaha from NJ, From beginning to end Serendipity, Without that visit to Tinsel Trading to meet my buddy Terri, I might never have made it to Silver Bella, and met the bella's or Geralyn and there for might not have been at a fabulous Tea Party in NJ and have met some new friends, this past Sunday.

Geralyn Grey
decided to host an artful tea party, planning this the day she came back from Silver Bella back in November, after months of thought and planning, this wonderful event entitled: A Spring Tea Partycame together on Sunday March 8 at her home in South Jersey, which is only about an 1hr and 15 minutes from my house, if I didn't get a bit lost, due to map quest, LOL.
At 12pm, I gathered my supplies, collage cds, atc's and Geralyn's Tiara (all hostess with the regal mostess must have a Tiara), Oh and picked up my mom, then headed for Geralyn's for a day of Tea Time Magic!

OMG is all I can say when I pulled onto her cozy and warm street, its beautiful, I want to move to the shore now, and when I walked inside, I entered Tea Time Bliss, with wonderful and talented people such as Geralyn herself, Marlene, Kecia, Zandra, Debbie, Debby (2 debs) and others, it was wonderful!

Geralyn made Baked Brie and Gourmet crackers, Quiche, Fruit Salad, and these Bear claws which sat in front of me and one by one disappeared into my mouth, LOL, they were so good, as were the other goodies and the scrumptious artful cupcakes.
Geralyn's Handmade Soiree Treats!
It was such a great day, we were chatting, sharing ideas and experiences, trading ATC's, Indulging on what inspires us, basically letting each other in on who we are, giving a bit of ourselves, all over tea, coffee, goodies, it was An Artful Spring Soiree.

In the group photo above you can see the magic of the day, by the time of this photo a few gals had set sail, but pictured here is: Kecia, Marlene, Joan, Me, Geralyn, Zandra and Debbie.
In this picture is The amazing Kecia can I just say, beyond amazing, she is just incredibly talented, her works can be seen all over and at shows throughout the country, just look at that necklace she is wearing, is it not brilliant? Kecia is a big supporter of fellow artists and I'm so glad she lives right here in NJ, if you aren't familiar with her works, please visit her blog, you might not leave.
Now just look at this woman is she not the best, I mean one of the sweetest woman I've met to date, My goodnes, just love her, let me introduce her, her name is Marlene-Bee Serendipitous and she is my new friend. Everything that came out of her mouth brought smiles to both my mom's face and mine. She is incredibly talented and beyond wonderful, please check out her wonderful blog and meet Marlene as well. By the way check out this next picture, its her hat, that she wore, pure vintage eye candy.

In this photo is the amazing Zandra, whose ATC's were gorgeous, I have mine sitting on my desk right now. Zandra and Geralyn scrapbook together on many of Sunday's, I can imagine the loads of fun they have. Zandra was so sweet and like the others extremely talented, she was ready for the soiree, complete with here fabulous Parisian Hat. I so wished I brought one of my hats to wear, next time I will. Debbie my seating partner to my left was wonderful too, we had so much fun, sharing stories and fun. Her ATC's were beautiful as well, Geralyn, Debbie and I will be trading ATC's in the next week or two, and I have one for Kecia which I'll be bringing to my class this Sunday at SVAC Here is a photo of me signing my book, too funny. In this photo I can see I need some hair highlights quick, LOL, Then again some celebrities are making this look a new fashion trend, Uhm, I think I like that trend! LOL!

My Mom Joan, is my best friend, Love that woman, she is truly a special force in my life and I enjoy spending time with her, she loves art, tea and makes jewelry herself in a vintage and romantic way. You can see her fabulous chic pieces on her etsy store at: My mom is currently celebrating her Birthday Today, March 10. Last night her friends, Glenny and I took her to dinner for some fun.

Let me say That Geralyn Grey is a beyond words wonderful artist, whose talent goes beyond paper and paste, it extends into baking, tea and parties. She hosted a fabulous Tea Party Event, which re-newed friendships and started new ones, it brightened up a March Day and let in loads of Magic and Artful Joy!


  1. Ohhhh I'm soooo envious!!! I wish I could mix with you wonderful ladies!!! Your day looked fab and I'm going off now to check out each of the talented ladies sites! But before I go I must mention that my family and I are hoping to visit the US this Nov and if Silver Bella is still on at this time of year in 2009 I may see if I can get on over there whilst we are in the US, it would be so great to meet everyone in person! Hugs, Mandy x

  2. Thanks for sharing your wonderful Sunday with us. It was a magikal day for yu with so many new friendships made and wonderful ideas shared.

    Smiles, cyndi

  3. i'm so glad i made it to the tea - it was wonderful fun and a great chance for girly chitter chatter. looking forward to your class on sunday. your mom is adorable - i enjoyed watching her motherly love as she likes to reach out for your hand when she is sharing stories about you. it was quite sweet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ahhhh---what a nice post. It was a great day Lisa. I am so glad we were able to share some time together. It was a fun group and a day to remember---can't wait for our Montclair adventure!!!!! Looking forward to the Carnival--see you there!!!!!!!

  6. Hi there dollface! looks like you had alot of fun!!! And, I wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU for the blog award!!! you made my day!!!

  7. What a wonderful day you had! I love Kecia!! Your mom is beautiful- enjoy her!

  8. Oh are by most one of the sweetest people that I have met...and I am soooo glad that Geralyn brought us all together...I can't tell you how much fun I had, and I can't beelieve how fast the hours went by....everyone brought sooo much to the tea, and I enjoy every bit of it....

    I will not be able to make your class this weekend:O(, but I know that our twinkling paths will meet again, and again, and again (Montclair)

    Kecia is right your mom is adorable "Happy Birthday, Joan!" you go girl...go Joan, go Joan...I hope that all your birthday wishes come true...

    Lisa, you and Geralyn and all the Tea Gals have brought to me sooo much inspiration, that my mind is set to fully enjoy the experience of my blog and to let my creative juices flow onto it - its a fairy tale that will come true...

    I've been blessed to meet so many wonderful women that I can now call my FRIENDS!...may everyone's dreams come true too...

    Have a honey of a night and sweet dreams! Peace & Love 2 "U" all :O) Marlene

    Here's to Montclair! hopefully there's no typos in this comment LOL

  9. Look at you lovely ladies -- serendipity at its best!

    Come check out my latest book giveaway.


  10. Thanks so much everyone for coming by for a visit and to share in the wonderful and magical day that was had by all at Geralyn's Artful Tea Party.
    Mandy: OOH I hope you come out here for a visit
    Cyndi and Lola: You are so wonderful!
    Maija: My Mom is my best friend, I love her sooo much!
    Singamarja: Thanks for visiting!
    Tea Party Gals: I look foward to our Montclair Adventure.
    Kecia: See you Sunday
    Susan: I'm on my way to your fabulous blog/giveaway!
