Monday, June 16, 2008

Hello all,
Above are some pictures I took at the licensing expo at the Javitts Center in NYC which was held Tues. June 10-12. I attended the event on June 11 with Sandy and my mom, and we had a blast. After nabbing a cup of dounkin donuts coffee we were off to the city, drove around for awhile trying to find parking which I ended finding a few blocks away, for around $50...Yes $50 to park your car for 3hrs. LOL.

At the event we met alot of amazing people with alot of talent. Paramoubt Pictures, Dreamworks and Cartoon Network were also there, as well as many top licensing and product companies from all over the world.

During my time at the expo I had the wonderful ooportunity to meet Margaret Le Van from South Carolina, whose works are absolutely incredible. One of my fave creations she has made is the flamingo mermaid, its adorable, a must have for any mermaid lover, like me. Visit Margaret's site at One look at her creations and you will be hooked. Both her and her husband are extremely nice and so wonderful!

I met many people at this event and ran into some friends, making my experience truly a memorable one!


  1. Lisa, Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Such a fascinating event. I miss New York. Karen

  2. It was a blast Karen!
    Thanks so much for visiting!

  3. I have party hats, and baubles waiting for you at my tea party. Just follow the moondancers...

  4. Thanks so much for stopping by to have a cup of tea and treats, I saw a moondancer fly by I have to go follow her!
    Magic and Joy!
