Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My Workshop: The Fairyland Box Assemblage aka Fairytale Boat of Dreams at Tinsel Trading in NYC Saturday May 31, 2008 The Fairyland Navy
Me and the fleet

The Fairyland Navel Fleet

Marcia and me!
Glimpse inside the Fairyland Bay!

On Saturday May 31, 2008, I held my workshop: Fairytale Box Assemblage aka as The Fairytale Boat of Dreams Class at Tinsel Trading in NYC at 12pm. it was a magical success, thanks to Terri and the wonderful group of talent that attended the class.
The class attendees were: The artist greats and promoters: Ellen and SalliAnn of Art-is
The incredible: Pam Hunting: http://www.pamelahuntington.typepad.com/
The "Other" Sallianne, we had two Sallianne's in the class, LOL,
Sandy Koterba (Guest artist in my art book: Art Circus), Karen Murphy, Allison, the legendery Terri Ventura: http://dimestoedaze.typepad.com/my_weblog/
http://www.dimestoredaze.com/default4.asp and the great Keith, whose so wonderful. Plus special guest, the talented Amber Dawn, who just happened to be in the neighborhood: http://inventivesoul.blogspot.com/
It was such a wonderful class, we had a blast creating ships for the Fairyland Navel Fleet, I felt like master in command of the Fairyland Navy! LOL!. Everyone's ships came out beautiful, absolutely gorgeous, we had an opera ship, campbell kids, fairy, grunge, child, you name it, each ship had a character all its own, filled with glitter and magic galore. Thank You to everyone who came by and made this class a magical success.
Magic and Joy!


  1. Hi Lisa,
    I was checking to see if you got an email I sent you a couple of days ago. I hope it didn't go into your junk mail. Anyway, can you email me regarding the mermaid swap?


  2. Hi Sherry,
    I updated my server with new phishing and spam alerts, but now it seems many of my emails are going into the spam filter, Its frustrating. We have agreed to re-set it and see what happens, please re-send the email and title it the Mermaid Swap. I will email you in the morning!

  3. Lisa,
    Your class was by far my favorite it was so nice that you were teaching on my last day at TT..the rest of the ladies were in awe of you and your talent, we all had so much fun making all our ships , mine being the only pirate ship of course...I look forward to working with you at ART SPA ... heheh
    love ya

  4. Lisa,
    That looked like fun! Wow, If I only lived closer, everyone looked so happy, glad you are teaching your talents to others! My collabs are almost finished, you should get them by next week!
    HUgs and Smiles~

  5. I just adore your fairy fleet.Make some more.I will keep looking.Hugs Marie antoinette

  6. Hello Lisa, What a fn and exciting looking workshop. You know I get lightheaded every time I see your faerie ship in the faerie Zine Flickr group. Would have loved to have been here to see you in action.
    By the way, I have a question for you. I have received a multitude of emails from folks who have seen my blog, asking me when I am going to do a book regarding my photography images of my eclectic home decor. This is something that others have approached me about over 12 years ago. Im not sure if anyone would be interested in publishing such a thing or how to go about doing it. You came to mind immediately as I know you have several stunning books out on your art style. I hope it is not asking too much but any leads you could give me would be greatly appreciated as is your time.
    miles of smiles,
    P.S. My email rowdycats@hotmail.com
    Please erase my personal info from this before you post. Thanks~

  7. Hi everyone,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog, each of you are amazing and inspire me every day!

    Miss Darly, I will edit your comment, per request, I haver to see how I do that, LOL! I will email you information!

    Hugs all!

  8. Hi Lisa,
    I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago, and I'm in love with your art!, so much so, I preordered your Art Circus! book, looking forward to receiving it!!. I wish I had known about your workshop at Tinsel Trading in May, I would have attended it, I guess I'm going have to keep my eyes open for any other workshops you may teach.
    Take care and keep creating your magical pieces.

  9. These are fantastic, Lisa. Of coures, I would have made mine with a pirate theme- no surprise there!!

  10. ~*LISA!*~

    I *just now- yes at 3:48 am!* discovered that you and I were in a swap together, and I actually have a piece of your art work.
    Too cool!
    If I would have known, I would have said something to you at the shop when we met!
    I have the cute purple star that you made for the fairy embellishments swap hosted by Angie on Art-E-Zine.

    I am wondering though if you got something that I made in that swap?
    My sister was also in that swap.
    Maybe she has something of yours as well!

    OK, it is SO late, and I am off to dream land.
    Amber Dawn

  11. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Hi Lisa Wow what a blast!
    wish I could have been there check out my brothers blog I made for him!
    theres a mermaid swap?..sorry I have not been in touch my computer room is sweltering!
    xxoo Fairy hugs Denise

  12. Hello all,
    I've been so busy I haven't been blogging much or visiting sites in a few weeks, sorry about that. I shall be visiting you all over the weekend!
