Tuesday, August 05, 2014

The Artful Girls Club Line!

I'm so excited to share with all of you the release of my friend Deb Hodge's new line: The Artful Girls Club. A line of clothing and accessories inspired by the vintage romance of decades long ago.  A place in time where Ladies were courted by dashing Gentlemen, soirees happened every weekend and pearls were a main part of one's jewelry collection.

A decade of innocence and carefree days by the lake, the beach and the garden. Lavender, roses and peonies filling vases in every home. Jeweled chandeliers shining over tea time afternoons and ladies retreats. Farm fresh delicacies, wood wagons and old fashioned beverages on summer days. Traveling back into time is easier then you think with a trip to Deb's World of Vintage Bliss. 

 At her newest site: The Artful Girls Club, you can rediscover a vintage world through various clothing and accessories from tee shirts to linen. There is something for everyone in her new shop.

For more information of Deb's works and to keep up to date with her workshops and products visit her blog, facebook and shop.  

I was gifted with one of Deb's pieces and I truly love it, she is truly amazing. Thanks Deb for sharing your world with us.


(Please note all photos belong to Deb Hodge)


  1. I got my t-shirt in the mail yesterday! So cute
    Good Luck Deb.

  2. Her stuff is gorgeous!
    Love it...
    Going now to check out her blog:)
