Saturday, January 04, 2014

Come and visit KALEIDOSCOPE Forest.....

Its the start of another week, looking outside at 8 inches of snow, the colors of Christmas are slowly fading as we enter a new year. This propelled me to take a visit to a land filled with color. A place where rainbows are permanent fixtures in the sky. The sound of calliope music and fairy flutes echo in the air. Arrivals of flying vessels sailing into port can be seen overhead and unicorns pull ornate carriages on land and always greet you with a smile.

You might be wondering what this enchanted place is called, not many know of its secret location. I was lucky enough to stumble upon the map to find this enchanted land which led me on an incredible journey where I made lots of friends along the way to this place they call Kaleidoscope Forest.

At the edge of Willow Cove there is a spectacular lighthouse standing several stories tall, illuminating glowing radiant beams of light across Willow Point, Willow Sound and Sierra Bay. On Saturday Morning at precisely 7am a rare beam of light eminates from the lighthouse onto a secret gate that glows a glisting gold. It stays this glistening gold color for 1 hour, then it begins to fade into blue, purple, then brown and poof its gone. This is the only time frame you have to arrive at the glistening gold gate in order to enter Kaleidoscope Forest from the Willow Point location.

Once the Keeper of the Gate and his gaurds approve your visit, you may enter through the gate and begin your journey to Kaleidoscope Forest. About a 1/2 mile down the main path, unicorn rides and floating boats are waiting to taxi you around the forest and its surrounding villages. There is even a series of tours you can take, the best one is Jolly Clover Tours which starts at 11am til 5pm. I picked this tour after reading the reviews in the Scopey Times paper and Scopey Guide book. Scopey is the nickname given to Kaleidoscope Forest by the locales.

I just can't explain to you the breathtaking view all around Scopey. Tree's made of stained glass, giant rose gardens and large glowing lanterns. Unicorn lessons, Mer-tailing lessons at Skully's in Rainbow Bay. Capsule launches and flying vessel air ship dining and hovercraft book lounges complete with coffee, cocoa or tea elixirs.

Day One was overwhelming, so much to see, do and explore. But first I needed to check into my hotel, The Carnival Wiltmore Hotel which over looks the whole City of Scopey and Rainbow Bay. Conceirge checked me in and my brought my bags to my suite which had a hanging boat waterbed with adjustable controls. My tea table was in a corner nook to the left that edged part of the crystal like cliff over looking the enchanted Pickering Alley similar to an indoor shopping arcade.

I sat down at the table and looked over at Pickering Alley, reading my area newspaper and guides deciding what to do first. Finally deciding on exploring the Alley with lunch at Tinkerbink's Tea Room and a day of shopping.....

Come back for a visit to the blog to read the rest of my adventure my trip to Kaleidoscope Forest.


(Note: All photos colored in and digitally enhanced by me. Some of these images in their raw state are available on my collage cds?

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