Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Angel Lulu and The Gingerbread by DT Member Marfi Bradford

Today I'd like to showcase returning DT Member Marfi Bradford’s two Design Team projects using Lisa Kettell Designs (LKD) products. I can't pick a fave, love them both.

 The Gingerbread House Project:

  1. Paint a paper mache house shaped box with gingerbread and ivory paints. 
  2. Then attach glittered candies, stickers, lace trim and a cupcake to the painted house with glue.
  3. Next paint the Tristan style doll heads brown and glittery.
  4. Finally add them to the gingerbread 'cookies'.
 Angel Lulu Project:

The next project is an ornament
created using Marfi's favorite embellishment, carnival Lulu.

  1. Hot glue  glitter tinsel around the 5 inch wooden circle.
  2. Next hot glue a Styrofoam snowflake to the front of the circle.
  3. Paint Carnival Lulu embellishment, add wings, skirt and tiny Christmas tree.
  4. Hot glue her to the snowflake.
  5. Finally, add a pipe cleaner to the back of the circle to make a hanger.

"I hope you get a chance to try out these projects..they're super fun to make."-Marfi

For more products visit:
Moonfaires World/Lisa Kettell Designs

1 comment:

  1. You are right - I could not choose a favorite. Both are so cute and happy!
