Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Up-cycled Furniture!

A passion of mine is saving old discarded furniture and giving it an up-do or what is now labeled: Up-cycle. Before I opened Piddlestixs my task was trying to find in-expensive furniture to fill the store with, but now a days even thrift stores and Good Will Stores are raising their prices on items due to dealers, which hurts those of us who really could use a good bargain. However with some extreme treasure hunting you can find some good deals for instance this 1970's style china cabinet I purchased for $10. Loved the frame but hated the wood color, so I picked up discount paint for $5 a gallon, a primer and paint in one, the color, Shabby Bubblegum. Then I bought a creamy white enamel paint on sale for $1.25 to fill in the hard ware and accents.

Here is the piece in its original state:
Un-Finished China Cabinet
Here is the piece sanded and getting painted:
Un-Finished China Cabinet w/some paint
Here it is painted:
Painted China Cabinet, Pink, Almost done
Now with the accents painted:
Painted China Cabinet, Pink, FinishedPainted China Cabinet, Pink, Finished 3Painted China Cabinet, Pink, Finished 2
This next piece was a child's bed headboard/hutch which was an ugly 60s'/70s' brown, which I painted with more of the bargain paints:
Painted Childs Head Board, Finished!2
Painted Childs Head Board, Finished!3
The following piece was again an ugly cheap wood color, which I sanded and painted w/more bargain paint in a pastel Robin's egg blue color:
Painted shelf, Robins Egg Blue! 3

Stay tuned for more painted pieces!


  1. OMG, I want that bubblegum pink cabinet! I LOVE it!

    Man, if I'm ever single again, my whole damn house is gonna be pink! lol


  2. Your furniture looks great! I love the shabby bubblegum! :)
    I have a similar hutch piece at my studio that I use to display my pottery during my studio sales. I sanded down the whole thing.. now I need to paint!
    Thanks for the inspiration! LOVE IT!!!
    Cheers, Chrissy :)

  3. Love the pink!! Gorgeous. I wish I could see your store...maybe someday!
    xxoo Valarie

  4. So glad you all came by for a visit. I've now been painting everything, lol, except for apothecary style wood furniture which looks cooler brown. But the others are perfect for up-cycling. I just did a silhouette cabinet, I'll upload tomorrow!

    Magic and Painted Joy,

  5. I love the colors...it showcases the dollies perfectly!

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  7. Thanks so much Josh, I will come on over to your site!

    Magic and Joy,

  8. Lisa -

    I love what you've done with your furniture pieces. Its like stepping into a gossamer fairyland, like bits of cotton candy fluff! Beautiful! And what fantastic bargains you got! Lucky girl!

    Elaine Allen

  9. Lisa,

    They came out beautiful. Love the bubble gum pink! Awesome together with the Robins Egg Blue. It's so much fun playing with colors, isn't it.

    Hope you are having a wonderful summer.

    xo Cathy

  10. Elaine/Cathy,
    Thanks so much for coming by to visit! So glad you like the colors, these are fave's of mine!
    Sending magic and joy,
