Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fabulous Friends and Their New Adventures!

There is so much excitement buzzing all around NJ this summer, so much to see, so much to do, and so much to create! After years of wishing for their dream to come true, it finally came true for my dear friend Geralyn Grey with the opening of Greetings From Geralyn in the Arcade in Asbury Park, NJ.

Geralyn has dreamed of opening up her own store and now she has. Every nook and cranny of Greetings from Geralyn is filled with artful magic and eye candy, waiting for the customer to explore and at what better place inside the Asbury Park Arcade which is filled with other stores waiting to be explored.

If you live in the Asbury Park area or headed to the Jersey Shore, take a visit to the store and perhaps take a workshop or plan a day of fun. To read about the grand opening, learn about workshops and to get a sneak peak inside visit Geralyn's blog at:


Who doesn't love Etsy? and all the Artists who sell on it! I find my favorite finds all the time on there and have met some amazing people, one of them is Andrea Cammarata the woman behind, Popalicious, which is a fabulous Etsy store filled with vintage and modern treasures. Everything that Andrea does is filled with magic, she pours her whole heart and soul into what she does and it shows. Her generosity is even more magical, her whole family is amazing. I am lucky that I can call her and her family dear friends now, that's a blessing all its own.

I'd like to share some exciting news, Andrea has opened her new etsy store:
The Cottage Market, which is filled with fabulous vintage wares, their motto for this store: "Adorable and Affordable"

One trip here thecottagemarket.etsy.com and you won't leave!

Andrea is also in charge of the Cottage Style Street Team on Etsy. You can also visit her other fabulous shops at:

I hope you get inspired and have a magic filled day!


  1. Thanks for all the links! Her store looks amazing but sadly so far away for me!! ~Shelley O.

  2. Lisa- Have you talked with Andrea??? I just Love her and have been constantly praying that she's ok after what happened in the spring... I just hope that she's getting better...

  3. Hi Shelley and Julie Ann
    Thanks for visiting the blog and this post!

    Shelley, if you ever come to NJ, there are some fab places to visit.

    Julie Ann,
    I did and she is an incredibly strong woman, with so much courage, I adore her and I too hope she continues to feel better, her work is as wonderful as her.


  4. Thanks so much for letting me know you've heard from Andrea, Lisa!! I'm so relieved she's feeling better. She does have such wonderful items and does beautiful artwork- especially with her doxie items! :)
