Monday, September 07, 2009

Le Petit Corsaire Danseurs, Art-Upcycled!

Meet the: Le Petit Corsaire Danseurs!

These are small ballet dancers that are made from cat toys, which I up-cycled from my cat's toy collection, and have given them a new look!

The inspiration for this project actually came from a project I made for my art book:
Altered Art Circus, Quarry Books, Feb. 2009.
The original project was made from recycled rubber toy animals, which were similar to circus/carnival toys that you might have won at the circus or amusement park, using your tokens or tickets to redeem them.
Le Petit Corsaire Danseurs! 2
Circus Toy Animals are getting harder to find, so I used rubber and plastic animals I purchased from a Dollar Store and Michaels Craft Store, which I further painted and embellished with crepe paper, trims and jewels, as a result Jeannie The Giraffe and Alaister the Lion were born. Le Petit Corsaire Danseurs! 3
To update this project, show variation and recycle at the same time I tried the cat toys I had from my cats toy box, these were less played with and in great condition, so I decided to transform them as I had done with the carnival toys in my book.Le Petit Corsaire Danseurs! 4
For the "Le Petit Corsaire Danseurs" I used a stuffed mouse toy as the base, then embellished them with layers of crepe paper, sequins, trims, mini tree ornaments, tiny pearl strands, white floral wire, recycled Christmas tree light bulbs for the crowns, and either my home made mica flakes or a variety of glitters.

Then I had to name them, their names are: Muffy, Matilda, Miranda and Millie!

This project could be done using tiny stuffed bears or animals, plastic animals, felt animals, clay animals, wood animals, pet toys or what ever you have calling for a tutu or crown.
Le Petit Corsaire Danseurs! 5
For complete instructions on this project look for Chapter 5, Carnival Toys,
Pages 92-95 of Altered Art Circus!

Hope this project has inspired you to make your own ballerina's and artful toys!
Magic and Joy!


  1. They are so cute.

  2. These are so darling! how cute and looks like it was a lot of fun!

  3. OMG Lisa these are truly too adorable...I can see them lined up singing at Radio City with a few giraffes as the rock"ettes" all doll up too....way tooo cute.. have a honey of a night - sweet dreams! grace peace & many many blessings 2 "U" Marlene

  4. Eeeeeeekkkkkk! I see some awfully sweet mice!!!!!!

    They are just way too cute and now, I want to scour the house for cat and kiddo toys!!! Thank you for the inspiration!


  5. Thanks so much everyone, so glad you like my dancing ballerina mice, sending Magic and Joy your way!

  6. They are adoreable..... to die for!! Mandy x

  7. oh no...never taken a toy from my cat..luckily,my son just moved back home and brought his cat and her toys...look-out Betty!!!!!

  8. Love these, too! They are soooo cute! Hugz, Z
