Thursday, August 06, 2009

Paper Source Grand Opening, Princeton, NJ!
Princeton: Paper Source Event! 12There is never a dull moment in my life, I always find an adventure and have a story to tell, whether its a new art piece I created, Cadbury our resident rabbit eating carrots from me, DJ our Dog frolicking around the garden, a new event or store I found, I always find something to talk about or do. If there is an adventure waiting to be embarked on, I will find it.

Geralyn Grey aka Greetings From Geralyn invited me to the Grand Opening of the Paper Source Store in Princeton, NJ (One of my favorite locations, just so much to see and do, many of the buildings have a European feel and look preserved in time)!Princeton: Paper Source Event! 5Princeton: Paper Source Event! 6Princeton: Paper Source Event! 9Princeton: Paper Source Event! 2I almost never give up an invitation, unless I have other plans. If you invite me, I will come, for this artful journey I brought my mom along, who I might add won one of the giveaways at the store, she was soooo happy.Princeton: Paper Source Event! 18
Once inside I began to drool, literally of course, one step inside a Paper Source Store and you might never be the same, its complete eye candy for the artful soul. After having an incredible moment of art excitement I quickly spotted Geralyn at the store and went right over to her, she had invited me to the Grand Opening and each day I waited with baited breath to go!Princeton: Paper Source Event! 23Princeton: Paper Source Event! 22Notice the rows and rows of gorgeous paper sheets, I wanted them all, and they were reasonably priced which makes it that much better.Princeton: Paper Source Event! 15Now this is what topped off my day, seeing my book in their store, Altered Art Circus is available at all Paper Source Stores, this happended to be the last copy that day, How excited was I! Notice the bunches of forget me knots in the background, you guessed it, they were all mine, LOL!Princeton: Paper Source Event! 25Here is a picture of the wonderful Denise and myself, with her copy of my book, so exciting. Denise is a wonderful flower artist making handmade felt and paper creations!Princeton: Paper Source Event! 26Notice the circus paper in my hand and my filled basket of artful wares!Princeton: Paper Source Event! 21This Grand Opening was so much fun, between exploring for treasures, talking with old friends and meeting new ones, not to mention beautiful weather and a short drive, the day couldn't have been more perfect. During the event I also met Chavonne Lenoir, who is the owner of Glamorous Life Events, which plans and creates that special event. We clicked right from the start, she was super nice!Princeton: Paper Source Event! 24Princeton: Paper Source Event! 20Then I had the pleasure of meeting one of Geralyn's friends who is a teacher in NJ, at Montclair Museum and her studio is located in Orange. Princeton: Paper Source Event! 17Look at Denise pictured between aisles and aisles of paper bliss.Princeton: Paper Source Event! 14Here is another glimpse inside my new favorite store! For those of you Boston and Cali Girls, I know you have had Paper Source nearby, but for me and the rest of us NJ-ites, this is the first NJ location, now located on Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ! I am so happy its here, and will be making more frequent visits to my new treasure haunt! Did I mention there is a cupcake shope around the corner called: House of Cupcakes, well I did some cupcake buying there too! Princeton: Paper Source Event! 13 For more information visit:
Paper Source
Geralyn's Blog:
Denise's site: Http://
Chavonne's site:
House of Cupcakes:
Auroratique (my mom's blog):


  1. Oh... beautiful! i've never heard of this store & know we don't have one in my city... boo!! thank you for taking me along via your blog!

  2. Lisa, I finally wanted to pop in and say congratulations on your book!

  3. ooooh...cutie me next's 45 minutes from me..I'll go with ya too!!!!!
    Give mom a big hug.

  4. Oh my gosh, what an amazing store, I WANT TO GO THERE!!!! xx

  5. Hi Lisa!
    Finally had a chance to check out your blog (I am Geralyn's friend from Orange -- in the ORANGE tee) -- that was really a fun day wasn't it. Shared my papers and goodies I bought with friends, their all ready to go back with me. I will add your link to my blog so I can keep up with what's going on with you and workshop events.

    Also you can see my blog and links to my papermaking activities at:

    ...Hope we get a chance to get together sometime.

