Monday, June 01, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend, My Book Signing in Allentown, PA!
my book signingHello All,
I am sorry for the delay in blogging and visiting your fabulous sites, but this past month has been really busy, but that's good, LOL!
me and my bookI wanted to share some photos and my experience at the Book Signing and Demo I did at the Grand Opening of ACMoore in Allentown, PA, a huge thank you to Catherine and Candy at Quarry Books, and Indee and Robin and Me!(Here is a photo of Robin and Me)Robin from ACMoore who all put this event together, each of them did a tremendous job, Robin Beam is the director of Education for ACMoore and made my experience at the event that much more enjoyable as did the entire staff, if in Allentown, you have to visit this ACMoore its the biggest I've ever been in, LOL, lots of fabulous stuff to buy!Me Signing!Here are a few photos of me signing!Me Signing! 2me doing a demo of the jar3In this picture I can be seen demonstrating one of the projects in the book with a new twist, I was making jar fairies, but this version was more vintage in tones, using gold corse glitter, vintage doll images and distressed papers, while creating opera style scenes inside the jar and out!This is Robin's Jarrobins jar2robins jarThis is Sarah's and Robin's Jar:Sara and Robin's Jars!
Tiffany's Jar:Tiffany's Jar!Here is Tiffany, her mom and her Jar!Tiffany and Her Mom!Tiffany, Elizabeth and Emily:Tiffany, Elizabeth and Miss Emily!Miss Samantha and her jar:Samantha and her Jar!Samantha is my step niece, isn't she just the cutest, she's my little buddy!Me and Samantha!Josh, Elizabeth, Me, Little Josh and Emily!Here is Josh, Elizabeth, Little Josh, Emily and Me!Sara, Her Jar and Book!Sara, her jar and her book! Sara was amazing, she was so much fun to hang out with will I was at the event, she added to the joy!Glenny, Sandra and Glenny's Dad!Glenny, Sandra and Glenny's Dad!Me and The Red Crayola Crayon!And here I am with Crayola Crayon in person, a perfect ending to a perfect day. I hope you all enjoyed my adventure and signing, Thank you for your continued support!
Magic and Joy!


  1. Hi Lisa -

    Sounds like you and everyone there had a super wonderful time. I love the fairie jars, so very pretty. Glad you are home, we missed you and your blogging (can't go too long without my Lisa fix)!!

    Elaine Allen

  2. Too fun! You look great and I envy the lucky students!

  3. Looks like a great day Lisa hun, but glad to have you back in blogland... missed you. xx

  4. I'm so proud of you!!! You are just simply amazing my dear!!!!!

  5. hey sweets,
    yeah for you!!!
    woo hoo
    miss ya

  6. Congratulations on your book signing.

    It must be so exciting to be doing this and meeting all of your fans.


  7. Hi Lisa,

    What fun... love the jar fairies.


  8. Hey want to hear something amazing...this is your three degrees of separtation! The company that made the Crayola Crayon costumes was from Napa. I had my studio in the building. Ed the owner and designer is a friend! And now there is one of many across the US with you!
    Looks like a fun day.
    You have become the world traveler lately girl!
    Have you gotten a date for filming TV yet?

  9. Lisa, Your amazing book just arrived a couple of days ago and I've barely come up for air!!! It is amazing!!! We've been in Itty Bitty Book Swaps together and I knew for sure your book would be super!!! But I wasn't ready for How Super...the pictures and projects are fantastic and your generous sharing of materials really makes the Circus a gold mine of possibilities...Thanks for the inspiration.
    I'll be attending Paper Cowgirl Retreat later this month and one of your featured contributors, Ann-Denise Anderson, is teaching a class I'm taking...small world!
    Love the Book...Thanks for creating it and sharing it.
    LaVerne in Texas

  10. Oh Lisa, it looks like everyone had a fabulous time. I wish I could have been there. I also wanted to thank you for the wonderful doll heads that you sent me. I can't believe how fabulous they are, and I am still amazed that I won something. Oh happy day. XXOO Valarie

  11. You all seriously have made my whole week, thank you so very much,for all your wonderful words and for coming by to share in my adventures, art, and life!

    Super Hugs, Magic and Joy to each of You!

  12. too many things to mention - awesome post - you must be such fun to take day trips and excursions with!

    HaPpY PiNk SaTuRdAy!

  13. LOL, Thanks Tristan, I will say its never a dull moment with me around! LOL!
