Monday, March 23, 2009

The Tiara Chronicles! Another Artful Adventure!

Every Month or a few times a month a group of us get together for a day of adventure, art and fun, playing at a different location each time, sharing our ideas, projects and techniques.
Debbie Working!Today we are at Linda's Studio working on fabulous artsy bird baskets with polymer clays and Ranger inks/products, taught by the amazing Debbie which was actually inspired from instructions by Deryn Mentock's necklace in Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine.
Artsy Art Day!3We played with polymer clay, ranger products wire, findings, a pasta machine and the good ole Toaster Oven.
Lisa Bonnie and Linda!Not only is it a pleasure to sit in Linda's Fabulous studio, and consume all the art products and goodies that line her studio walls, but the food assortment she put out was out of control, from Hummus, to veggies, dips, gourmet bread, and Lennis' cupcakes, I think I needed a treadmill when I left too, LOL! Soooo Good!
Lisa Jackie and DebbieLisa and Michelle!We are all from different parts of NJ, within an hour of each other, each with our own art likes and themes. We have fittingly called our adventures: The Tiara Chronicles, LOL! Passing on a tiara, regal moment or artful ideas on each adventure.Lisa's Egg Basket!Each of these girls are beyond words talented and are the true meaning behind Friendship! I adore them all and get inspired from them all the time!
The Tiara Chronicles in attendance today: Linda Hahola,
Bonnie Egenton
Patti Behan
Jackie McLaughlin
Debbie Tlach
Michelle Bernard
and Lennis Carlson


  1. It's always nice to get together with friends. I also sentcha a Facebook request.Hope ya having a good day. Hugs~

  2. I had such fun! Thanks for posting all the pictures! Can't wait to make our crown!


  3. I'm so glad, I had so much fun too! I'll post the pics of the crown too, this week.


    P.S. Magic and Joy to you both!

  4. Oh how I wish I could be a part of your fun group. You girls are so talented!

    Lisa, I was thrilled today when I made a run to Barnes & Noble and found your 'Altered Art Circus' book...whew whee, it looks great! Have only been able to skim through but I can't wait to be able to sit down and create something from it soon. You are awesome!

    StampinMom :-)

  5. What a lovely site, and what a wonderful time you had...

  6. Hi Lisa,
    Looks like so much fun! What a great idea to get together like that and just be with other creative minds and make beautiful art. Love it!

    Have a great day.

  7. I want to be part of this amazing group!! Have a great day!!

  8. There is nothing more exciting and inspirational then being among great people, who are so wonderful, talented and supportive, I just love these gals!

    Magic and Joy!
