Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Vintage Indie: An article on me, interviewed by: Gina Smith!

Hi All,
I'm finally back from Silver Bella, not completely unpacked but settled in, I still have what other Bella's call a Glitter Hangover, and we all know how much glitter I consume, LOL!

Before I begin my week long blogging bella extravaganza, I wanted to share with you this wonderful surprise I saw in my email when I returned from Omaha. I received an email from Gina Smith letting me know the article on me was now released live on Vintage Indie. Gina Smith interviewed me for this article and now its ready for all to read, visit Vintage Indie to see the article by clicking on this link:

The article is entitled:
Designer Profile - Author & Artist Lisa Kettell of Hackettstown, NJ. Interview by contributing editor Gina Smith

The article is brilliant, it just gave me tears to my eyes, tears of joy to read such a wonderful article about me, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Thank You Vintage Indie and Gina Smith! XO-Lisa!

Now back to Silver Bella, Okay I must have taken nearly 500 pictures, can you believe it, well actually yes you can, I'm a picture nut, I will be posting the beginning story, middle and end, vendor highlights, party pics, prom queens and my Mary Pics starting tomm., My Silver Bella experience will take up about 5 posts. If you want all the pictures sent to you, email me and I will foward you the online photo album!



  1. OOOhhh, can't wait for those pics girl!!!!!~

    I bet it was a blast!

  2. Wow Lisa hun... Just read your article on Vintage Indie, BIG congratulations, what a wonderful piece... you sooo deserve it.

    Can't wait to follow your entries over the next five days.

    Hugs, Mandy xx

  3. Dear Miss Glitter Fairy...you are utterly charming...Happy Birthday and I'm glad you're back from the mid-west. see you Sunday in all of your glittering glory! HUGZ

  4. I have had a glitter overdose, LOL! I now know I have a glitter addiction, I might need an intervention! LOL!

    Thank You everyone for the birthday wishes, support and magic!

    Suze I am ready to explore on Sunday!


  5. lisa it was so fabulous to finally meet you! lucky me to sit right next to you at the luncheon! love your work, and congrats on the article! hope to see you around the circuit.

    hugs & glitter ~

  6. OMG your album pix are AMAZING! I just posted part 2 of Silver Bella and you're in it again. I miss you girl!!!

    Sand XOX

  7. Congratulations on the article!

  8. Thank You so much Everyone!
    Magic and Super Joy!
