Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Happy Election Day!

The time has come to make your vote count, today is Election Day in the United States. Doesn't matter who you want to see win: McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden, get your vote in.

Over the past week I have been asked who I am voting for and depending, from friends to online friends and students, I really find that if I mention my Presidential Choice, I can either upset some people or make others happy, so I have choosen to plead the 5th and keep my fave choice to myself and to my close friends, who some share my opinion and the others don't, but we all come to a happy medium and can see each others points and views.

I believe there is a reason for everything and who ever is met to be, will be, just as long as they can improve our country and give us a healthy happy economy again, good healthcare and keep us strong, keep us United.

To soften our day, I have included this vintage stereocard from mid 1800s which I bought in the early summer, its available on my circus, holiday and costume party collage cds, I hope you enjoy it.

Just click on the picture and save!

Have a wonderful and happy day!


  1. Thanks for stoping by sweetheart.And yes you may leave two names,which by the way are lovely.I went and voted today and I'm like you ,who ever wins,It was destined rather we like it or not.The powers that be,will decide what is.Hugs Marie Antionette

  2. just stopping by to say hello!


  3. Voted tonight...I hope everyone else did!
    Louv ya!

  4. SO glad you all came by for a visit tonight! You are Rock! and each of you get my vote for AMAZING!

  5. Hello Lisa! I can't find your email address. You WON my giveaway!!!!! Please email me with your address so I can get it out to ya!!!


