Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Meet The New Charlotte/Penny Dollies!

A few weeks ago I purchased a vintage Charlotte/Penny Doll, when I saw her, I was instantly in love, she is the cutest from her pinkish hair to moveable bisque arms. The thing is all these vintage Charlotte aka Penny or Carnival Bisque Dolls which were made in either Japan or Germany tend to be quite expensive to buy.

As an artist and designer I'd like to use them in some of my projects but either I don't have the heart to attach them to a piece or art or don't want to loose their original state, this left me with a dollie dilema. I wanted a way to have tons of these, which I could make and give new identities too, keeping them in vintage style and with the storybook whimsy so many of them have.

After much thought and research I developed a technique to make your own using a variety of supplies, For now I'm not going to give away the 4 step process, because I am saving it as a project for my next art book, trust me it will be worth the wait. This new technique is fantastic and perfect for the in-experienced doll crafter or the advanced artist looking to cut some doll making time.

All these dolls and many more versions, ornaments and tooth fairy boxes will be available soon in my Etsy, Ebay and Web Stores. I will also be selling them at The Handmade Faire in Medford, NJ on Oct.25 and at Silver Bella in Omaha, Ne Nov.13-15.

Stay tuned for more dollies! Check my flickr site for more images!

Magic and Joy!


  1. Those dolls are so sweet! I love the Sea Pageant Queen!

  2. Isn't Sierra the Sea Pageant Queen too cute, I love her too!

  3. OH my gosh, I am smitten by these beauties!!! I would love a ton of them!!!!!~ They'd be so cute just scattered around on shelves and tabletops and even in the bathroom!!!!

    Oh, I so want one! I'll be checking your sale spots!!!!!
    Your incredible!

  4. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Adorable!Are you coming up to Salem?

  5. Your dolls are SO cute!!!! I always look forward to things you are creating!

  6. hi lisa, looking forward to seeing how you made the mold for your sweet little girls!

  7. I'm trying to decide whether I should U-Tube it or blog it or both, The advanced version will be in the next book!

    I warn all, If U-Tubing it, and you see my nails, they aren't manicured! LOL!

