Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vintage Crepe Paper and Party Decorating Book!
I love Vintage, anything vintage, pretty much every decade in time has some kind of appeal to me, from Ancient Egypt, Mythological Greece (Atlantis), Renaissance, Edwardian, Marie Antoinette's France, Colonial, Regency, Victorian, The Roaring Twenties, Gilded Age, 1950's, and in between. I won't consider 80's vintage yet, then I will start to reveal my age! LOL!

Lately I have been fascinated by: Marie Antoinette, Victorian, Roaring Twenties and 1950's Soda Pop Chic or Cupcake Chic as I like to call it. Buying images, prints, books from children to bake and craft books, ephemera, tea ware, costumes, dolls and other eclectic oddities.

On a stroll through my fave antique center: Blackwell Antiques Center in Dover, NJ I happened upon some amazing vintage treasures such as a few children illustrations, postcards, game pieces, doll clothes and these two incredible books:

Dennison's How To Make Party Favors and Table Decorations 1928 and Dennison's How To Make Crepe Paper Flowers 1929 Can I just say I love these, they have re-inspired my vintage muse and have given me a whole new love for Crepe Paper....
Here is a preview of some of the pages in the Party Favors Book which are amazing:

One wonderful artist who I met through pure serendipity and who I consider a dear friend is ANN-DENISE ANDERSON
to me she is the Queen of Crepe, her whimsical works always put a smile on my face!

P.S. Click on the pictures for a larger view so you can view the writing, directions and images!


  1. Lisa, these pamphlets are so amazing


  2. aren't they great, I scanned them in large format so everyone can download, these pages were some of my faves in the books.. I'm going to put some of these pages on my cds as well.

  3. Really cool finds! I love finding vintage treasures like these!

    Creative Blessings,

    Lisa :)

  4. Awe Lisa, You make me smile! Thank you :) Sending out my Halloween Opera pages tomarrow with a little something of course...whew! Thank you again for all you hard work on these swaps!
    ~Hugs, Ann-Denise
    P.S. GUess who is coming to Convenzione 2009 , ME yeah I'll get to meet you ! HORRAY!
