Monday, February 11, 2008

Hello all,
When you get a moment go and visit the wonderful zne dolls site, it is amazing, so much eye candy there.
This is the link: ZNE Dolls
You will see my sugar plum fairy hat there!
Have a magical day!

This is a vintage Party Hat I created called: Sugar Plum Fairy. It is part of my new series of vintage art: Valentines, Cards, ATC's, Tussie Mussie's, Crowns, Party Hats and Dolls!
I used a bunch of found objects to create this, from a variety of sweet items: Tinsel, crepe paper, ribbon, German Glass Glitter and more!

On sale in my Ebay Store!
Hugs! Lisa!


  1. WOW... This hat is amazing! Simply magical!

  2. Beautiful facination. I am totally taken with your blog. Its the nicest Ive seen to date. Thank you so very much for putting so much wonderful art in one place.
    kindest regards,
    Darly at daisyslittlecottage

  3. OH My Goodness, thank you both for making me smile right now!
    Magic and Joy to you both!
